How To Choose The Best Phone Calling Card

How To Choose The Best Phone Calling Card

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The following are a few tips to choose the best phone calling card and save a lot of money on your international call charges. It is important to understand the working of a phone calling card before delving further into choices and features. Choosing a best phone calling card depends on your needs, habits and purposes. The normal and most common terms that apply to most pre paid phone calling cards are

a. Each card has a denomination $2, $3, $5, $20 etc..
b. Each card has a unique pin that has to be used while making a call.
c. Each card has an expiry date before which it should be used.
d. Each card has a per-minute rate and many also have connection fee.
e. Some cards also carry a maintenance fee.
f. All cards have a pulse rate or a rounding minute. Charges are based on these pulses.
g. Many cards also carry communication charges and is applied after each call.
h. Cards have different rates for calling normal phones and cell phones.
i. Some card may also have a tax option that is deducted.

It is important to read the terms and conditions that come with each card to understand the 강남세무법인추천 fee structure and call charges. You could accordingly calculate the approximate per minute charges for destination numbers you are most likely to call. The charges depend upon where you call, source of call, whom you call and how you call. These factors are personalized so you need to make your own calculations.

1. Where You Call: This is the country or the state to which you are making the call, the destination of the call. The tariff to each different country and each different state within the US are different. If you frequently call UK from USA, it is wise to choose a card that offers lower rates to UK calls.
2. Source of Call: This means the means used to make your call, whether from a cell phone, a regular phone or a pay phone. The source of call also has differential tariff. If you have a regular phone and intend to make calls using it, try and find a card that saves cost by using a regular phone.
3. Whom you call: This specifies the phone you are calling, whether a cell phone, a regular phone or any other kind of phone. The tariff varies widely fro regular and mobile destination phones. Make sure you choose your card wisely depending upon the calls you intend to make.
4. How you call: The country, state or city from where you are calling. Many card offer calling discounts and free interstate calls. Choose a card that gives you best rates from within your home town, or if going on a vacation, within the vacation destination.

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